The New Year is upon us and I just want to communicate to you how grateful I am for all of you who follow, support and promote my message. I want as many people to be educated and inspired by my work so that everyone can be Dedicated to Optimizing their Lives. On that note, Thank you from my family to yours. I am excited to capitalize on last year and look forward to connecting with all of you in the New Year.
With that being said, I am sure all of you are in the midst of a lifetime achievement award in just the first week as I have observed in conversation as well as in social media posts. The New Year’s resolutions that will forever change the trajectory of your success in life. Eliminate everything that is bad in your life and all those good things will come your way this year.
“In 2022, its out with the old and in with the new”
“In the new year I will eliminate all negative feelings”
”This year I will stop eating Gluten, Soy, Carbs, Dairy, Water, and Air to lose weight.”
It is disheartening to see all of these goals as all I see is loss. Everybody wants to eliminate who they previous were and push for a completely different individual who stares back in the mirror. It is unfortunate to experience because in a world where mental health is a crisis we need to learn to love and accept who we are and what we have done. We need to embrace all that is the good, all the is bad and all that is ugly in our lives.
“I would express to you that it is far more important to capitalize on who you are rather than starting over.”
Acceptance is the path to growth. You need to accept the things that are in your life and take full responsibility for them. It could have been actions you have taken, the people you surround yourself with or the life that you are currently living.
If you are unhappy with the result of your life’s decisions then start to assemble a new path from where you are currently at. If you don’t like the job you are currently stuck in or if you are unhappy with the extra weight you put on this year just know it is not the end of the line. You put yourself in this situation and you are the only one who can get yourself out of it.
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.”
You just need to approach life with a different perspective. One that is focused on ADDITION and not subtraction. It is not about the things you eliminate in your life but more about adding to your life which will ultimately take its place.
Let’s think about losing weight from this perspective. If your goal is to lose weight you need to create some sort of energy deficit. There are many ways to skin this cat however, popular influential and incompetent coaches constantly use the phrase “Eat in a Calorie Deficit.” The ultimate definition of seeing life through a straw in my opinion and completely flawed observation on the current state of people today. Yes, that may be correct from a completely one dimensional approach, but you are correlating less food to weight loss. In the world of extremes many clients that I work with refer to eating less first rather than just moving more.
Riddle me this is it harder to eliminate the cream in your coffee or walk an extra 30 minutes each day outside? Thought so! Here are a few additions you can make each day to your life that will ultimately result in weight loss.
Add walking 30 minutes per day.
Add Weight Training 2-3x/week.
Add a Yoga Class 1-2x/week
Add a Barre-Lates-Spin-Cycle-Breathing Class each week.
I am kidding about the last one but I wouldn’t doubt that it may exist these days!
When focusing on goal setting with ADDITION over subtraction, you will be wired for wins versus losses. This is the gold nugget of the year for all of you. When goal setting think about adding versus subtracting.
I Challenge you this year to:
Add Positive People, Negative People will eliminate themselves
Add Movement, Lose weight
Add Protein to each meal, Lose Cravings
Add Positive Affirmations, Lose Negative thoughts.
Steven Nickel provides a Tailor-Made Fitness Experience for the individual who wants to acquire high quality results. Providing Exclusive Personal Training, Made to Measure Coaching and Ready to Train Collections. To learn more Inquire Here or write to