As I observe people today and scour the internet I see how people communicate and go about their day. One important observation I've noticed is that many people allow devices and social media to do the thinking for them.

What I have noticed is that people don't process information the same as they used to in the past. The problem is there's not much processing going on when information is just being exposed to you at an extremely fast pace. This doesn't allow you to learn how to critically think anymore or form any opinions. Ultimately you’re just consuming rather than creating.

What I've also noticed is that many people have gotten away from dreaming. Yes like a kid again, dreaming about anything they've ever wanted or how they see their life turning in the future. To me this creative time, as Albert Einstein talked about, is a crucial for humans to become more powerful.

The ability to free your mind of all the constraints, free your mind of all the closed doors, allowing opportunity to come into your life and create the opportunity that you're looking for.

Now I share this with you because I had this realization over the course of the last month. I recently began to take a different approach to my grateful journaling. I felt as if I needed to get things off my chest so I began to record voice memo’s on my phone while walking. To let go of every string attached to your life and your mind and just dream. The exercise was simple but by speaking out all of my emotions first I began to tap into a subconscious level mindset that allowed my vision of life to become more clear.

10 Minute Brain Dump. Say exactly what comes to mind immediately

Imagine what your life looks like 10 years from now?

Imagine what your life looks like 3 years from now?

Build the life that you want for yourself!

I think a lot of people have lost that ability, we have lost that inner child. I hear it all the time from older generations, “Steve don't ever lose that inner child. Stay as young as you can for as long as you can.” Those words have always been held dear to me. I believe you are only as old as you feel and that your true self is that inner child.

This one addition into my daily habits has been a massive realization for the future. Over the next few days I would encourage you to try this exercise. You can do a voice memo, you can type, you can use a fancy notebook and your favorite pen but I want you to free your mind of all the constraints that have been place upon you. I want, no I need you to dream. Create the space for new opportunities to be welcomed into your life.

If you decide to try this please share and tag me on your stories about your experiences.

Steven Nickel provides a Tailor-Made Fitness Experience for the individual who wants to acquire high quality results. Providing Exclusive Personal Training, Made to Measure Coaching and Ready to Train Collections. To learn more Inquire Here or write to

Steven Nickel

The Exclusive Personal Training and Tailor-Made Fitness Experience. Proven Methods that are Custom-Built for the Discerning Individual to Acquire High Quality Results.

Located in Bergen County, New Jersey

