"Pure water is the world's first and foremost medicine" - Slovakian Proverb

"Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate" is what I find myself reminding clients to do when they are not feeling quite themselves. As the the old adage explains, Pure water is the first medicine. Considering that 60% of the body is made up of water, there are many benefits of keeping hydration at optimal levels.

The Importance of Water

Our bodies are not just filled with water like a pitcher on a hot summer day but embedded in our cells of our major organs such as the brain, heart, muscles, bones, blood and skin. Our body functions are reliant on optimal levels of water to carry out survival. Some examples of what water is needed for is:

  • transport nutrients and oxygen to the cell for repair and growth

  • flushes filtering organs such as the kidneys and liver to aid in detoxification

  • lubricating our bodies, such as joints and digestive tract

  • padding our joints from impact when we run, jump, twist and fall

  • cooling the body to prevent overheating

Now that we know how important water is how do we maintain proper hydration? Fluid balance. We need to make sure that we are taking in as much water as we are losing. How do we lose water from the body? Simple we lose water through sweat, urine, feces and breath. Every moment we are living we are using water at some capacity. If you are not drinking water then we are in a negative fluid balance. This can lead to a condition known as dehydration.


Dehydration is defined as the loss of water and salts necessary for normal function. There are a few ways that you can detect if you are dehydrated:

  • thirst

  • dry skin

  • fatigue and weakness

  • muscle cramping

  • headaches

  • increased body temperature

  • dark colored urine

  • dry mouth, nose, eyes

Also, studies have shown that thirst isn't usually perceived until there is  1-2% bodyweight lost. At this point, there is a decrease in performance, mental clarity and focus. This shifts the focus of drinking when you are thirsty, to preparing and preventing. First step toward preventing dehydration is to know in advanced how much water intake is optimal for you. For a general population client start by simply:

Drinking 1/2 of your bodyweight in ounces per day

For example: A 150lb person needs to drink 75oz of water per day

Now, if you are an avid runner logging miles, pumping out group classes and weight training during your week then more hydration will be required. For these athletes and weekend warriors, drinking up to 0.6/lb of bodyweight each day will lead to optimal levels of hydration.

Steven Nickel provides a Tailor-Made Fitness Experience for the individual who wants to acquire high quality results. Providing Exclusive Personal Training, Made to Measure Coaching and Ready to Train Collections. To learn more Inquire Here or write to steven@stevennickel.com

Steven Nickel

The Exclusive Personal Training and Tailor-Made Fitness Experience. Proven Methods that are Custom-Built for the Discerning Individual to Acquire High Quality Results.

Located in Bergen County, New Jersey


